News from the Upper Peninsula Regional AHEC

CCMA Apprenticeship Program Launched

UP AHEC and host partner Upper Great Lakes (UGL) Family Health Center are proud to announce that we have launched a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) US DOL-registered apprenticeship program with assistance from UP Michigan Works! Additionally, we're participating in the Michigan Primary Care Association (MPCA) Health Center Careers Training Program (HCCTP).

UP AHEC advances their employees’ health care careers by implementing a Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) Upskilling Program. Please help us congratulate Morgan Guy for successfully completing this program and obtaining her CCMA. Congratulations, Morgan!

Two additional learners have completed their coursework and are currently observing their clinical externship training and will sit for the NHA CCMA in June of 2023.

The Upper Peninsula Area Health Education Center is pleased to share that the 2023 Upper Peninsula Medical Conference is scheduled for October 27-28 at the Memorial Union Building on the Michigan Technological University campus.

What: 2023 Upper Peninsula Medical Conference
Where: Michigan Technological University in Houghton, MI
When: October 27-28, 2023
Cost: Physicians: $350, PAs, NPs, and Retired Physicians: $250 , University Faculty, Postdocs, Residents, and Researchers: $100, Undergraduate and Graduate Students: $50
Target Audience: Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Retired Physicians, University Faculty, Postdocs, Residents, Researchers, Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Credit: 8 CMEs for Physician registrants (accreditation in progress)
Need your questions answered? Reach out to or (906) 487-3338

Dr. Leah Abbott

Dr. Leah Abbott: From Resident Physician to Preceptor

The Upper Peninsula Area Health Education Center would like to bring attention to Dr. Abbott’s story and recognize her efforts in supporting the education and training of future medical providers at Upper Great Lakes Family Health Center and throughout the Upper Peninsula region.

Dr. Abbott obtained a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Wayne State University, received her Doctor of Medicine at St. George’s University School of Medicine, and attended Residency at Marquette Family Medicine Residency Program.

As a Resident Physician, Dr. Abbott completed a geriatric rotation with Dr. Catherine Kroll at our Gwinn Family Health Center and a rural family medicine rotation with Dr. David Kass at our Hancock Family Health Center.

Dr. Leah Abbott recently led an Advanced Skills and Knowledge (ASK) session for medical students at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine UP Campus. This longitudinal course is required for students in their third and fourth year of medical school. Dr. Abbott taught students about conflicts of interest in medical practice and how to curtail and avoid them.

“Dr. Leah Abbot was so gracious with her time and in-depth discussions with our students,“ said Susan Tincknell, Student Programs Administrator for Upper Peninsula Clinical Campus. “Dr. Abbott began teaching our students inpatient medicine while she was a Resident Physician at the Marquette Family Medicine Residency Program. She will also begin teaching our students for their outpatient family medicine clerkship. We couldn’t be happier to have her!”