Michigan AHEC Sponsors Legislative Breakfast
On May 24, 2017, Michigan's five Area Health Education Centers went to Lansing to educate law makers about the importance of recruiting, training and placing the next generation of healthcare providers in Michigan's medically underserved, healthcare provider shortage areas.
Matt Lori, the Deputy Director for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services spoke on behalf of the Michigan AHEC program. Deputy Director Lori emphasized the importance of access to healthcare services, by ensuring we have an adequate number of qualified healthcare providers ready to get the job done.
Legislators from across the state joined the morning program and engaged in necessary dialogue to move the agenda forward. The legislative breakfast will be an annual event.
Pictured below: Lisa Brennan, Executive Director, Michigan AHEC Western Michigan Regional Center, Greg Rosine, Vice President for Government Affairs, Western Michigan University, Thomas J. Reed, Associate Program Director, Michigan AHEC and Tom Masterson, Dean, The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow College of Health Professions, Central Michigan University.