News from the Upper Peninsula Regional Center

Upper Peninsula Regional Center AHEC holds Opioid Conference

The Upper Peninsula Regional Center held a conference titled, 'Pain Management & Opioid Addiction: Urgent Topics in Healthcare & the Community,' on Oct. 13, 2017. Over 220 health providers and students from seven counties in the UP and downstate attended the conference either live or via download. Speakers were from Marquette County and spoke on a variety of topics such as,"Pain Management in Older Adults," "Opiate Use & Abuse During Pregnancy," and "Opiate Trends Facing the Community." Conferences that can be downloaded to other healthcare sites offer an opportunity for health providers to gain continuing education credits and experience in remote sites, which assists in the recruitment and retention of health professionals to rural areas.

Katrina Keogh

Welcome New Program Manager Katrina Keough

Katrina Keough was hired in November 2017 to be the new Program Manager at the UPRC. She is a  Northern Michigan University alumnus. Her undergraduate degree is in Clinical Health Science and she recently earned a graduate degree in Public Administration. Her background is in Radiography and she has served many roles within the profession. "It is a dream to be able to use both my love of program funding and recruitment with my experiences in health care," said Keough. Please join us in welcoming Katrina Keough to the UPRC team.