Western Michigan Regional Center News
Discovering Oral Health Careers
High school students from three schools attended the Discover Oral Health Careers program hosted by the Kent County South Dental Clinic in December 2016 and March 2017. This health career pipeline program introduced students to career options by listening to, and interacting with a dentist, dental hygienist, dental assistant, and a registered dietician. Career presentations, clinic tours and hands-on activities filled the 3-hour morning program.
Seventeen students from Godwin Heights High School attended the December event, and 14 Wyoming High School with 15 Kent City High School students attended the March program.
Western Regional Area Health Education Center and CHHS Immersion Days
On March 9th and 10th, Western Michigan University's College of Health and Human Services (CHHS), host site for the Western Michigan Regional Area Health Education Center(WMRC AHEC), welcomed 70 high school students from the Calhoun Area Career Center's health programs for the CHHS Immersion Days. The program is coordinated and funded by the WMRC AHEC with support from the Dean's office
The CHHS Immersion Days allow students to visit the College of Health and Human Services to learn more about healthcare careers and their respective academic requirements. Faculty and health professionals talked with students about nursing, occupational therapy, social work, public health, and mental health. Activities included simulation lab tours, various uses of catheters, group discussions on mental health, human trafficking, teen suicide, public health services and the use of adaptive equipment in occupational therapy.
This is the second year Krista Winchel, a 21st Century Health Careers instructor at the Calhoun Area Career Center, has brought in students for this career enrichment program. Teachers have expressed the program offers additional exposure into healthcare careers that students may not receive in their regular academic environments.
Please visit www.wmich.edu/AHEC for additional information.